*This workshop is split into two 3-hour sessions on Saturday June 8 and Saturday June 22. If you can only make one of the sessions, Tina will catch you up over Zoom on your own!*
Join us for this fun, two-part class! We use regular piecing to make the background and raw edge appliqué to make the foreground. Pull out your florals and look for flower heads that don’t overlap each other (or minimally overlap); flower heads can range in diameter from 1” - 7”; flower heads can be realistic, cartoonish, somewhere in between or ideally a mixture of all three. If you don't have enough in your collection, borrow from your friends, or Tina can send you a pack of 30 assorted flower heads for an extra fee.
This class is running on SATURDAY MORNINGS June 8 and June 22, 9a-12p.
Questions? Contact Jessie Becker, jteitz@gmail.com
© 2002 - 2025 Santa Clara Valley Quilt Association 501(c)3 non-profit organization EIN: 51-0189814P.O. Box 792, Campbell CA 95009